
5 Natural Home Remedies for COPD Patients to Treat Their Symptoms at Home

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a lung disease that makes it hard for people to breathe. It tends to get worse with time and symptoms often worsen when you are exposed to cold weather or other triggers. COPD natural home remedies that involve breathing exercises can help you deal with the symptoms and make them easier to manage. However, as with any illness, it’s best to consult your physician before trying anything new. Read on to learn more about these home remedies for COPD patients.

Basil and Orange oil
Basil is considered one of the best home remedies for COPD patients. Inhalation of its vapours can help open up your sinus and reduce the occurrence of COPD symptoms. You can make a basil essential oil inhaler by adding a few drops of orange oil with 10 grams of basil leaves in a coffee filter. You can store the coffee filter in a glass jar and keep the inhaler near your bedside table. You can also add basil essential oil to hot water to make a steam inhalation that can reduce your symptoms. The anti-inflammatory properties of orange oil can help treat COPD and its symptoms. Orange oil can also be applied to the skin to reduce itching and pain caused by irritation.

Turmeric and Ginger Tea
Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a great home remedy for COPD patients. It can be used in various ways to reduce the occurrence of COPD symptoms and make them less frequent. You can add a few teaspoons of turmeric powder to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for about 10 minutes. You can add a little honey to make it more palatable. Alternatively, you can mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with water and have it like a warm drink. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm your airways and ease COPD symptoms. You can add a few slices of fresh ginger to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for a few minutes. You can also add a few slices of fresh ginger to a cup of water and add a dash of cinnamon and honey to make a warm drink.

Liquorice Root
Liquorice root has been used widely in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines for treating respiratory disorders. It can help reduce inflammation and soothe the airways to relieve you of symptoms. You can make liquorice tea by adding a few teaspoons of liquorice root to a cup of water. You can also add a few drops of black or white pepper to the liquorice water to make it more potent. You can also chew a few pieces of liquorice root 10 minutes before meals to fight symptoms. You can also add liquorice root to your favourite herbal tea or mix it with honey to make a delicious tea.

Ginger, Peppermint, and Fennel Tea
Ginger, peppermint, and fennel are some herbs that have strong anti-inflammatory properties. They can help reduce the occurrence of COPD symptoms and make your day-to-day activities easier. You can make tea by mixing a few tablespoons of these herbs with a cup of boiling water. Alternatively, you can add a few pods of fresh peppermint to a cup of water and make a peppermint tea. Ginger and peppermint are best when consumed warm. You can add a few slices of fresh ginger or a few fresh mint leaves to a cup of water. Alternatively, you can boil water and add a few fresh sprigs of peppermint or ginger. You can also add a few drops of black or white pepper to your cup of tea to make it more potent.

Breathing Exercises
Breathing exercises can help you deal with symptoms and make them manageable. You can practice breathing exercises for COPD by sitting upright in a comfy chair with your eyes closed. Take slow, deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. You can practice this exercise for about five minutes every day to keep your symptoms under control. You can also make use of a breathing machine to expand your lung capacity. Regular exercise can help you stay fit and reduce the risk of falling sick.

COPD is a serious lung disease that leads to shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. It can also cause damage to the airways and lungs, so it’s important to learn how to treat it naturally. The best way to do this is by choosing the right home remedies for COPD. This can help you lower your risk of getting sick and improve your quality of life.

These are some of the best natural home remedies for COPD patients. You should try them to see if they help relieve your symptoms. It’s also important to remember that you need to seek medical help if your COPD symptoms get worse. If you have questions, talk to your doctor or nurse first.

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