
Between investor meetings and monitoring patients, it’s rare that HRN CEO Alex Grichuhin has a free moment. As I type this, he’s running a group therapy session.

Alex was born and raised in Maryland. He enlisted in the army, and after being medically discharged he decided to go to college. It wasn’t easy though – he had enough money for tuition or a place to live. He chose tuition. He lived in his car, and the cold Utah nights forced him to go on jogs at 3 am just to keep his body temperature up. “If I could put the passion, faith, and determination that I put into my education into helping people – I knew I could make a difference in the world.”

Alex Grichuhin

And Alex did! He became one of the top Pulmonary Practitioners in the country, winning awards like the Rehab/Long Term Care Respiratory Therapist of the Year from the MD/DC (Maryland/Washington DC) Society for Respiratory Care.

He was the Director of Pulmonary Rehabilitation at FutureCare Cherrywood for 10 years. That’s where he got the idea for HRN.

Patients of his were unable to complete their care due to a variety of reasons. So he started creating DVD programs for his patients to take home with them. And they worked! His patients were getting better, at a fraction of the cost. All from the comfort of their own home! He could help people from all over the world, so that’s what he set out to do, and has been doing ever since.

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